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Feed Me Seymour!

I don’t know if anyone gets the reference from the “Little Shop Of Horrors”. Like most 80s movies, it had cheesy lines, cheesy musicals, and a budding Rick Moranis. Despite the cheesiness, I actually remember it being a good movie and I loved the giant singing carnivorous plant.

What is this blog about? I’m starting to wonder that myself…It’s not about movies, or the 80s, or cannibalism, sadly. Not, it’s about my love of plants. I know, I know. Feel free to leave your comments below.

I have this thing for plants. I think it’s because I like creating and the creation that results from the process of love and hardship. I go out and look at my babies every morning and make sure they aren’t been leaf-raped by a marauding gang of biker beetles. You laugh, but the second you come outside and see three of the eight leaves on your bell pepper plant looking like Swiss cheese you’ll drop to your knees and scream, “Why God, WHY!!!!!” at the sky also.

Maybe I’m over-exaggerating, but I really do put a lot of time and effort into growing and harvesting them. I came out this morning and some high winds had toppled one of my plants I had been caring for half a year. Each day I’d carefully inspect the leaves and gently water and then, BAM! It felt like someone had punched me in the gut. In retrospect, I probably should have secured the plant with some bamboo or wiring, but whats done is done.

I have this radish in my raised bed that I was trying to grow until it produced seed pods. It never did, and now its the largest radish I’ve ever seen, sans seed pods. I don’t have the heart to pull it. Poor barren bastard.

Anyway, I’m going on excessively now. I’ll stop, but know this. Gardening is an extremely rewarding experience and if you’re not doing it, you’re not with the cool kids. And you want to be with the cool kids. Otherwise you’ll end up with your head in a toilet getting a swirly.

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7 thoughts on “Feed Me Seymour!

  1. Alas, I’ll submit to my swirly. I was blessed with a black thumb. It takes great care and determination to kill a bamboo plant, and it’s replacement. But who doesn’t love a giant singing carnivorous plant?

  2. I also confess that last year, the most I got out of my garden (really, more or less) grew during the winter, long after the garden had gone fallow. There were some carrots, more radishes, and then there’s still a really tall lettuce bush growing. We’re just letting it go to see how tall it will get………

  3. I always wanted to belong to the cool kids gang that I started to TRY to grow things since I was three. The most luck I had though was with hair and dandruff. I couldn’t grow a single plant even if I made a bloody offering to the gods of the herbs. But yeah, at least I always got a hair wash at least twice a day.

  4. I love gardening too. Hey, I’m sorry I haven’t been a good stalker for the past few days. I’m about to write a post about it, but anyway, sorry.

  5. I absolutely do not like gardening – I hate to get dirt under my fingernails. Everybody says wear gloves, but the dirt just seeps through the cotton & all ends up under my fingernails. It drives me crazy. And the bugs & sometimes worms, I get itchy just thinking about it. Now where was I? Oh yeah, sorry I don’t share your passion for gardening although I have been able to keep a Peace Lily alive for almost 30 years.

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